Monday, August 13, 2007

(I thought it was about time that I included a picture of my little Monkey Noodle aka Mia)

What a day!! Two loads of laundry...done. Clean Kitchen...done. Clean Neighbor's House...done. Bake Zucchini Bread...done. Shower...done. Email financial advisor...done. Walk dogs...done. Clear off family room stairs...done. Organize stamp pads...done. Email scrapbookers regarding Friday night crop...done. Kiss Luiza...done lots of times today. Make grocery list...done. Send out resumes...done. Watch "Prince of Egypt" with Luiza...done.
Man it felt good to get so much checked off my "To Do List." I don't know what it is but I am in a total cleaning mode. Could be worse...I could be in a total messing it all up mode. **giggle**giggle**
Life Challenge #1: Complete something on your To Do List that you keep putting off.

Until we meet again.


Unknown said...

What a cute monkey:-) She sometimes walks like a monkey on all fours. I need some of your energy.

Nikki said...

Hey Sarah!
Your blog looks sorry to see all of Luiza's bruises -- was this your dog that she scrapped with? ouch.

I've added you onto my favorites, so you're stuck with me now!

Anonymous said...

hmmm...a monkey noodle...doesn't sound very appetizing...

I LOVE The Prince of Egypt!
